Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Associated Press Working at Journalisms Boot Camp
Have you heard the phrase the toughest job youll ever love? Thats life at The Associated Press. These days, there are many different career paths one can take at the AP, including ones in radio, TV, the web, graphics, and photography. In this article, well focus on what its like to work as a reporter in an AP bureau. What Is The AP? The AP (often called the wire service) is the worlds oldest and largest news organization. It was formed in 1846 by a group of newspapers that wanted to pool their resources in order to better cover news from far-flung places like Europe. Today the AP is a nonprofit cooperative that is collectively owned by the newspapers, TV, and radio stations that use its services. Literally thousands of media outlets subscribe to the AP, which operates 243 news bureaus in 97 countries worldwide. Big Organization, Small Bureaus But while the AP is big overall, individual bureaus, whether in the U.S. or abroad, tend to be small, and are often staffed by just a handful of reporters and editors. For instance, in a good-sized city like Boston, a paper like The Boston Globe might have several hundred reporters and editors. The Boston AP bureau, on the other hand, might have just 20 or so staffers. And the smaller the town, the smaller the AP bureau. What this means is that reporters in AP bureaus work hard - very hard. Example: At a typical newspaper you might write one or two stories a day. At the AP, that number could double or even triple. A Typical Workday An AP reporter might start his or her day by doing some pickups. Pickups are when AP reporters take stories out of member newspapers, rewrite them, and send them out on the wire to other subscribing papers and media outlets. Next, an AP reporter might cover some stories happening in the area. The AP runs 24/7, so deadlines are continuous. In addition to writing stories for member newspapers, an AP reporter might also bang out some broadcast copy for radio and TV stations. Again, as an AP reporter, youll probably write twice as many stories in a typical day as you would at a newspaper. A Broader Scope There are several important differences between working as an AP reporter and reporting for local newspapers. First, because the AP is so big, its news report has a broader scope. AP, by and large, doesnt cover local news stories like town government meetings, house fires, or local crime. So AP reporters tend to focus only on stories of regional or national interest. Second, unlike local newspaper reporters, many AP bureau reporters dont have beats. They simply cover the big stories that pop up each day. Required Skills Generally, a bachelors degree is required. Also, because AP reporters produce so much copy, they have to be able to produce well-written stories quickly. Slowpokes who agonize over their writing dont survive long at the AP. AP reporters must also be versatile. Because most reporting is general assignment, as an AP reporter you have to be ready to cover anything. So Why Work For The AP? There are several great things about working for the AP. First, its fast-paced. Youre almost always working, so theres little time to be bored. Second, since the AP focuses on bigger stories, you wont have to cover the kind of small-town news that bores some people. Third, its great training. Two years of AP experience is like five years of experience elsewhere. AP experience is well-respected in the news business. Finally, the AP offers a wealth of advancement opportunities. Want to be a foreign correspondent? The AP has more bureaus around the world than any other news agency. Want to cover Washington politics? AP has one of the largest DC bureaus. Those are the kind of opportunities that small-town newspapers just cant match. Applying to the AP Applying for an AP job is a little different than applying for a newspaper job. You still need to submit a cover letter, resume, and clips, but you must also take the AP test, which consists of a series of newswriting exercises. The exercises are timed because being able to write fast is important at the AP. To arrange to take the AP test, contact the chief of the AP bureau nearest you.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Analysis Of Marcus Borg s The Bible - 1791 Words
Recently I have been overwhelmed by the various conflicting views on the interpretation the bible. Many people say that to be a Christian you must follow and believe the bible verbatim. However, I realize that it is nearly impossible to do that because of the context in which it was written. Marcus Borg’s has successfully provided a logical way to read the bible, with still being able to respect and incorporate older Christian traditions, but also focusing and taking into consideration the modernized world and reality in which we read the bible today. Hence the essential subtitle, Taking The Bible Seriously But not Literally. I salute Borg’s for taking on the challenge of addressing a burning issue that separates two distinct group of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the way we see affects the way we read. â€Å"As we enter the twenty-first century, we need a new set of lenses through which to read the Bible. The older set, ground and polished by modernity, no longer works for millions of people. These lenses need to be replaced. The older way of seeing and reading the Bible, has made the Bible incredible and irrelevant for vast numbers of people†¦ The need for new lenses thus exists within the church itself.†I fully agree with this assertion formed by Borg. The new and constantly evolving ways of science, technology, and analytical thinking, have led many people to reject the teachings of Bible. To look at the Bible through the eyes of a non-Christian, it would be easy to make rational altercations against its accuracy. Borg included the counterargument that is made by many conservative evangelical Christians, which is, â€Å"God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.†As if this blunt answer to the textual variants, could possibly hold any value to a non-believer. Similar to Borg, I believe that it is necessary to address the context and differences of the time period that the Bible was written in, and rather tha n completely denying the scientifically advanced ways of todays society, incorporate it as a prompt to a better understanding of the scripture. Another analogy used by Borg in the first section of his book; came from the traditions of Buddhism, where the teachings of Buddha were seen as â€Å"a finger pointing to
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Japanes Tsunami Disaster Free Essays
On March 11th 2011 at 2:48pm a magnitude 9 earthquake occurred lasting a record time of 5 minutes until 2:53pm. This awful event occurred in the country of Japan in Asia, east of china, south of Russia and lies on the Pacific Ocean. Then 20 minutes later a tsunami hit Ofunato and then followed by Sedai and Niyko. We will write a custom essay sample on The Japanes Tsunami Disaster or any similar topic only for you Order Now There were lots more area affected by the tsunami. Causes The tsunami that hit Japan was a series of water that became many waves that built up by travelling along the Pacific Ocean, gradually gathering up speed. By the time it hit Ofunato it was as fast as a jet engine and going 800 kph. This tsunami happened because of the pacific tectonic plate subducted the Asian tectonic plate and caused an upwards wave to start and increase in length and it caused a massive tsunami to hit Japan. Japan had a massive tsunami hit them because of the magnitude 9 earthquake (a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismic waves) that hit them first, which caused the pacific tectonic plate subducted the Asian tectonic plate and created a flood of water to go in to the fault line and cause it to build up pressure and heat up. Then the water sprung up in to a travelling along the Pacific Ocean causing a tsunami, this caused over 15,000 deaths, 6,000 injured and 4,000 missing. Another cause of the tragic tsunami was that it gained a n extra metre in height because the coast line dropped a metre; this was one of the effects of the earthquake. Social effects The effects on people were that there houses had fallen down and many were homeless. The disaster caused falling birth rates, some mothers and children were forced to move to other towns and cities, even 200-300 miles away from their broken homes. Buildings were shaking, lights flickering; they crumbled down in front of the people inside them. Bridges were in pieces, shaken and broken by the earthquake and tsunami. The people in Japan were in a horror film. Their families were broken, torn apart by 7 metre high waves. At least 170,000 households were running without any water said by the health ministry. Up to 47,000 building were destroyed, washed away or burnt down, the national police agency of Japan said. A total of 164,059 households in the north were without electricity, tohoku electric power co said. You can read also Waves Economic effects The tsunami caused a large negative impact on the economy of Japan but lesser effect on world trade and financial markets. Japan has lost considerable physical damage estimated to be from $195 billion to as much as $305 billion. The negative effects of the earthquake and tsunami caused a potential nuclear disaster. Only 150 miles from Tokyo, radiation leaked from a nuclear plant crippled by an explosion. Although it wasn’t at the same scale of Chernobyl, but 170,000 people were evacuated. Another economic effect is that hundreds of factories were shut across Japan and the country was pushed in to recession. Nissan and Toyota had to halt production at all 20 factories. Toyota, the world’s largest carmaker, evacuated workers from two plants in the worst affected regions. The plants make up to 420,000 small cars each year, mostly for export. Environmental effects The effects the tsunami had on japans environment was that were lots of debris everywhere because the tsunami had picked up everything in its way when it hit Japan and when it had stopped all the debris was left on the ground leaving lots of mess. All the debris that was on the floor meant it was harder to find missing people. The tsunami also carried lots of dead fish and animals habitats would have been damaged because of the water. The fish were all dead in the tsunami due to the fact that the Pacific Ocean contaminated because of the radiation of the nuclear plant explosion. This also meant that any birds wouldn’t have been able to feed or they would have died eating contaminated fish. The smell also would have been unbearable to cope with because of the amount of dead fish and bodies and debris carried by the tsunami. Liquefaction during the earthquake as well, this would have left big cracks in the concert and some water may of septet up through the cracks. Short term responses After the tsunami occurred everyone immediately tried to help the injured get to a safe placed so they could be helped. Fire engines and ambulances were there to help and to rescue people from the debris. There were lots of people injured and dead so that when the people were being searched for by people of Japan to save time if a person was dead under the debris they would have put down a flag so they could go on and search for people that were alive and could be saved. Then later they would have gone back to the body and they would have moved it. Everyone hurt by the tsunami/earthquake got medical care by the other helping countries wanting to help. China was one of the 91 countries that helped Japan as soon as possible by providing $4.5 million worth of humanitarian aid. Their first shipment was from Shanghai to Tokyo. It contained 2,000 blankets, 900 tents and 200 emergency lights to help Japan get through the tragic amount of injured people. Seventeen Latin American countries, including Honduras, Ecuador and Brazil, and four African states – Djibouti, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia had also offered assistance. The mayor of Kandahar city in Afghanistan pledged $50,000 to support relief efforts. The World Bank, Unicef, Unesco and the Office for t he Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs were among the international organisations pledging support. Other responses were that they were lots of tents and shelters put up for people to stay safe because their houses would have been crushed by the tsunami or fall because of the magnitude 9 earthquake. In the shelters, the people got free food and water to keep them alive. Almost everywhere there was no gas or electricity because of the impact of the tsunami. All they could us were emergency lights and torches to see. Products in Japan went up because lots of stock was ruined or damaged and it was a struggle to get stock from other countries or cities because the expressway fell down and transport-roads were blocked. Some charities also help the tsunami victims such as architecture for humanity helped by fundraising and giving all the money they made to Japan to help the people that were made homeless or that were unemployed because their workplace might have been hit. Save the Children meet the needs of children and their families affected by the tsunami, whilst Christian Aid’s partners in the Philippines helped to evacuate the most vulnerable coastal communities. People living in these communities had been warned to prepare for a tsunami wave at least one metre high along the east coast. Partners of the British Red Cross in Japan, America and the Philippines worked alongside the emergency services to support victims and evacuate high risk areas. Long term responses General recovery efforts progressed, super markets gradually reopened, gas stations in northern Japan resumed business, and roads were accessible. The Japanese government significantly supported the country’s relief efforts and provided much of the needed temporary housing. Everything that was rebuilt in Japan however it cost them 25tn yen which actuates to  £189bn. Schools were rebuilt and teachers were provided so the children could get an education. Conclusion In my opinion, I think that the Japan tsunami was a disaster because of the impact that it caused to the people (such as the deaths), the environment (dead animals, liquefaction, amount of debris needed to be cleaned up) and the amount of money that it cost them. The amount of deaths that the tsunami caused was devastating, the amount of missing people and pain that the tsunami caused families. It was an awful event that caused pain to everyone and cost lots of money. I think to stopped this happening to Japan again they should build a bigger wall on the coast to protect them or even buy tsunami capsules from all households even though they are expensive it would help and save the life’s of many if it occurred again. How to cite The Japanes Tsunami Disaster, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
International Market for Monopolistic Behaviour- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theInternational Market Entry for Monopolistic Behaviour. Answer: The country selected is Albania and this essay reflects on the socio-political condition of the country that poses a threat to a company wanting to invest in this country. This essay analyzes the areas of conflict within the country and political state that proves to be a hindrance for carrying out trading. Their economic model revolved around national self-reliance and an economic autarchy policy was adopted. This resulted in a misorientation of economic structure of Albanian economy. Extreme diversification related to production and poor performance of technology was the significant setbacks of the economic condition of Algeria (Durham, 2017). Productivity, price and cost was not measured and compared that caused damage to the socio-economic system. There were mismanagement problems on account of centralization of production. Internal industrial market was driven by the monopolistic behaviour of a very large scale and this acted as an obstacle for the investors. Structural weakness exists within the country that slows down the economic performance and structural problems exist in the energy sector. It is necessary to strengthen the budgetary framework and adopt fiscal laws that will enable the investors use this place as a big potential for investment. Sustainable economic growth can help in bringing about a economic model that can make it a potential site for the investors. A lot of amendments concerning public-private ownership can support the small enterprises and attract foreign investment (Keil, 2015). The new relationship between public-private contracting can enable the standardization and can bring in more money for the economy of Albania. References: Durham, M. E. (2017).High Albania. Lulu. com. Keil, S. (2015). The political conditions of economic development in the Western Balkans.S dosteuropa Mitteilungen,55(2), 82-94.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers free essay sample
Jazz pedagogy is not a required field of study for music education majors in the state of California and many other states. Many new music teachers, employed as band directors in secondary schools, often find themselves directing a Jazz ensemble with little or no personal experience In playing or Improvising Jazz. Jazz Is one of the most important music taught in public middle and high schools (Kelly, 2013). There are several studies (Mantle, 2009, Milkiest, 2001 , Wetted, 2007), which show that participation and interest in public school Jazz band programs has continued to rise since the sass.Moonwalk (2001) reports that, In 1960, there were 5,000 high school jazz bands in this country, and in 1980 there were more than 500,000. Students majoring in English Literature, would not earn their bachelor degree, let alone qualify for their Single Subject Teaching Credential in English, without ever studying William Shakespeare. However, In the state of California, students majoring In music education can graduate and receive their California State Single Subject Teaching Credential without ever taking a class in Jazz studies. We will write a custom essay sample on Jazz Pedagogy Secondary School Music Teachers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In California, music teachers are entrusted to teach music, including Jazz music, to more than 2. Million students In more than 1200 middle schools and 1300 high schools throughout the state (CA Dept. Of Education 2011-12), and many of them have no experience In Jazz pedagogy. Both Kelly (2013) and Milkiest (2001), agree that most music education majors enter the field with little or no jazz experience and are expected to be experts (at least in the eyes of students, administrators, and parents) without adequate support from collegiate music education.Graduating as a music education major without any course work in jazz pedagogy and no personal experience in jazz improvisation is a ajar weakness in the music curriculum, in the state of California. Commenting on the 1994 publication of the united States National Music Standards, Benedict, (2006, p. 18), stated It appears that, over the past 113 years, little has changed, or been questioned, with regard to the goals and purposes of a music education program. Changing the dominant status quo in any organization, institution or government means changing the attitude and biases of the individuals that are in control.Those In control could be considered the oppressors, but not the oppressors that Paulo Fire refers to in his seminal book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Rather, the oppressor refers to the hegemony found in society, and therefore schools, that dictates what and whose knowledge is most worth having (Benedict, 2006, p. 21). In music education, for example, considerations of curriculum namely what of all that could be taught Is most worth teaching -? cannot be determined by empirical research and thus are all but ignored in the present how to climate of instrumental reason (Resellers, 2005, p. ). The differences between theory and practice are issues that can be viewed through the lens of critical theory. Critical theory Is a theory of social change. The alma of critical theorists Is to uncover the underlying assumptions we have about a given subject; they help and bring to light that which keep us from understanding the true reality of that subject. In the words of Resellers, (2005, p. 17), I OFF and thus makes the individual the subject of his or her own destiny, not an object for the carrying out of instrumental reason. Critical consciousness can empower people to take ownership of their own and collective interests and give them the ability to change those interests. A critical theory of music education will look with approval on methods that actually empower students to be able to and want to be musically involved throughout life with music (Resellers, 2005, p. 19). Colleges and universities need to consider new ways of teaching their education majors a broader genre of music. Teaching, what has been regarded as the standard curriculum content, is not giving future music educators the tools and disciplines they need to teach Jazz pedagogy.Being an effective teacher of Jazz requires the teacher to be a practitioner of Jazz. A cursory course in Jazz pedagogy will not suffice. Future secondary school teachers need to participate in Jazz ensembles. School teachers need to learn how to improvise and create melodies over the blues and standard chord progressions. They need to know the history of Jazz and who the major contributors of the art form were and currently are. Music educators must bridge the gap between band repertoire and Jazz culture. To be effective as educators-? teachers who can model, guide, and mentor young Jazz musicians, and who can connect them to the community of Jazz-?music education students must immerse themselves in the sounds, styles, and culture of Jazz (Vole, 2005, p. 2). Initially, learning about Jazz is learning how to listen. Modifying the curriculum in our colleges and universities, to allow education majors to explore Jazz, means changing the hegemonic notion that teaching music is only teaching Western classical art music.We need to not only change the course catalog, but also change the attitude of the music faculty. The music literature taught at most schools is a reflection of the faculty that teaches at those institutions. Even though Jazz pedagogy has exploded over the past 50 years, it is shown little respect by many faculty members in institutions of Geiger learning. We need to empower education majors and faculty members to change the status quo of the music education curriculum. Jazz education is an integral part of the music curriculum in public schools, in California.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Caucasian Reaction To Latinohispanic - Smart Custom Writing Samples
Caucasian Reaction To Latinohispanic - Smart Custom Writing Interagency OperationThe national security policy directives are presidential directives or the contemporary interagency integration that are aimed at managing complex crises especially in foreign countries, for example Operation Restore Democracy (1994) in Haiti. Interagency operations are and will be successful in the future following the upholding of the joint doctrine. With efficient coordination between state agencies, the response to emerging security problems can be effective. Additionally, the directives are specific and are formed to address specific issues that are of security concern. The specific nature of these directives enables the specific problems to be solved exhaustively. Another contributor to the success of interagency processes is that they are thoroughly inclusive, that is, each organization brings its own skills and practices to the interagency process. Besides the inclusiveness, the planning of the operations is thorough and rehearsals are held before the actual operation. As a consequence, there is always a likelihood of success in such operations. The challenge with the directives is that they are made by the executive. According to Newman (2003), different presidents have different leadership styles, and some have been known to bypass the use of interagency integration (p.13). It is noteworthy that most of the interagency NSPD are formed more often than not as responsive measures to arising challenges than they are for proactive purposes. This means that problems will almost always come before these directives are given, and therefore they may not be effective currently and in the future. According to Bradford and Mendel (1995), unless a national interagency system and process is considered desirable, the function of multiagency operation will remain in the offices of separate government organizations (p.22). In addition, there is little documented guidance for joint and service commanders to explain their roles and responsibilities in the process of interagency integration. In conclusion, proper planning and execution of pla ns in interagency operations, coupled with pro-active integration of agencies to address crises before they are widespread will always ensure the success of these directives. References Bradford, D. Mendel, W. (1995). Interagency Cooperation a Regional Model for Overseas operations. Washington, DC: DIANE Publishing. Newmann, W. (2003). Managing National Security Policy: The President and the Process. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
School Nursing and Asthma Program by S2M Assignment
School Nursing and Asthma Program by S2M - Assignment Example S2M indicates that dissemination of information in the meeting will be done with discussion and showing of PowerPoint slides (Melynck & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). S2M also has carefully planned further dissemination to nursing conferences, city meetings, and through a newspaper article in the city. S2M also points out that disseminating the plan requires engaging the attendees by using the Kotter and Cohen Model for change, by reaching out to people’s emotions, rather than through a list of boring facts. The importance of the subject is in the fact that asthma is a leading cause of morbidity, and this should make people stand up and take notice. Most likely, finding stories that pull at heartstrings, regarding students with asthma, who have passed away because of lack of care by those around the children, will get people’s attention. It will, indeed, require commitment on the part of all adults concerned, both at school and from the parents (CPS, 2011). Therefore, S2M is correct that this is a very important issue to be addressed in the schools, and also requires planning, not only for health and medical instruction of school sta ff but of laying in of suitable medical products. Conducting an initial pilot plan will be a good idea, using several schools with a nurse and fully stocked medical center, to take care of issues as they arise. The nurse and the principal can also help with recording the events, what problems they encountered, and make suggestions for adjustments at the end of the pilot program run. Charts and spreadsheets will help in information gathering, plus a database of the medical inventory, in place before the pilot program starts, will give a pretty good idea of how much it costs to outfit the medical center, and what final costs are in implementation (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).S2M might consider that school nurses should be required to show evidence at the beginning of every school year, that they have obtained ongoing education, particularly in the issues of child asthma in school. While one can assume that nurses will continue with their education, the lives of school children are in their hands and, therefore, appropriate eviden ce will not only protect the children if they need help but also protects the school system as well (NASN, 2014). S2M has made an excellent case for the asthma project and developed a very good dissemination plan for its delivery. Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
PEST Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
PEST Analysis - Essay Example Insecticides and pesticides are being sprayed extensively on crops without any notice and thus result in a number of medical problems. People suffer from digestion related issues, a number of carcinomas also take their origin from such chemically treated food products. As cited by Dich, Zahm, Hanberg and Adami (1997), arsenic being used in these chemicals has been labeled as the potential carcinogen for humans by International Agency of Research on Cancer. Not only have the crops taken the toll, but the animal husbandry and dairy farming has also been suffering from the consequences over the past few decades. In short there is a dire need for a drastic change that will rid the mankind of this curse of chemicals and artificial products and this is where companies like Eden Food step in. As the changing trends introduced to the modern customer the organic food products, a ray of hope was seen. Organic food according to FDA as cited by Food Marketing Institute (2012) can be def ined by taking into consideration that the word organic does not simply refer to the food but also gives an indication as to how it has been produced. It must be noted that such food is different from natural food and also it must not be subject to any amount of irradiation whatsoever. Companies like Eden Food are a way out for the people seeking healthy, environment friendly food which is palatable too. As the awareness of the health conscious clientele is increasing, more questions arise and it becomes imperative for the industries and businesses to be more vigilant in their approach. Luckily enough Eden Foods has been able to cope up with the challenge it is made to face with and there have been introduced a wide variety of organic food products for the customers to choose from. With every passing day, the market for organic food and especially Eden Foods is growing by leaps and bounds. According to the Federal Marketing Institute as cited by Cook (2004), a study conducted in 200 0 showed that the global market for organic food was at an estimated 20 million dollars with USA accounting for 39% of it. In short, with the ever increasing demand of a healthy living, the responsibility on the food industry increases manifold and there is a dire need placed in front of Eden Foods to match the demands of the customers if successful business is to be managed in the long run. Procedure working of the product chosen As has been the trend observed over the past several decades, the third world countries are introduced to a new product when some time has been elapsed after the introduction of the same product in the markets of the first world countries. On the same basic principle it has been observed that the trend of organic foods in the first world traces back to the 80s and 90s, whereas the poorer states of the world are now being introduced to this concept and it is comparatively novel for them. On the other hand, when the needs of the two groups of countries are c ompared, it is seen that the people residing in the third world countries are more in need of pure and healthy food free from contaminants and artificial chemicals. These people are faced with the problems of unhealthy and unsanitary drinking water and the living conditions in general are not as refined as in the first world states (Gadgil, 1998). For that matter, the whole chiaroscuro of unhealthy lifestyle is evident in the form of malnutrition, more gastro
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Rebel, The Nihlist, and the Revolutionary in Batman the Dark Essay
The Rebel, The Nihlist, and the Revolutionary in Batman the Dark Knight - Essay Example The following study text expounds on the three figures as portrayed by Camus and further examines their possible application in the movie Batman the Dark Knight by examining three characters and how they fit in Camus’ figures. The nihilist believes that all values are meaningless and baseless, and that nothing can be understood or communicated. Concisely, the nihilist is an extreme pessimist who has no beliefs, no purpose, no loyalty, and all they think of is destroying. â€Å"A nihilist is not one who believes in nothing, but one who does not believe in what exists†(Camus 38). Camus argues that nihilism is a disorder that the modern age overly suffers from and it fights against morality. Morality demands of people to be honest and truthful when looking at their faults, and be truthful to their natures. However, a nihilist does not care about morality, and does not see any purpose of anything in the universe. According to Camus, most of us are nihilists, lacking the necessary values and seeing life as not worth living. The rebel as portrayed by Camus is an individual rejecting both absurdity and political, metaphysical which can be better put as rebellion against unjustified sufferings inflicted b y a state on citizens. The rebel in this condition tries to resist the unjust system of rules and at the same time rejecting the silent (unspoken) universe. A rebel protects what is theirs and denies anyone from touching it, and is perceived of as aiming at imposing but not conquering. This imposition is to make them meaningful towards people who deny his feelings of humanity in a world which has no meaning. As such, rebellion is an act of defence, but not offended, because a rebel will not charge at an oppressor. In the master-slave situation, a rebel will not rebel against their masters but will act against their â€Å"master†status. This is where the action against the superiority is evident and it can be concluded that
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Symbolic Interactionism Case Study
Symbolic Interactionism Case Study Structure-functional paradigm also known as functionalism is a theory that sees society as a complex system or organisation and everything in society have a special function or contributes to maintain balance of the society (Macionis, 2012). Structural Functionalism is macro level analysis which focus on complex societies, large scale social structures, and social systems. It is origins in the works of Emile Durkheim. According to Herbert Spencer, society is like the structure of the human body (Macionis, 2012). Each part is like organs, bones, muscles in the body. The parts of the body are individually important, but they dependent on one another. Functionalism emphasizes on social stability. From this perspective, disorder in the system, leads to change because other parts must adjust to achieve stability. When one part of the system is not working or is dysfunctional, it affects all other parts and creates social problems, which leads to social change. In year 1957, American functionalist sociologists Robert K. Merton divide functions into two types, which are manifest functions and latent functions. Manifest functions are intentional and obvious consequences whereas latent functions are unintentional and not obvious consequences. He uses the term functions to refer to the positive consequences of peoples action. Functions help keep society or social system in equilibrium. In contrast, dysfunctions are consequences that harm society. They destabilize a systems equilibrium. Social Conflict Paradigm Social conflict is a theory that sees society as an arena of inequality which leads to conflict and social change (Macionis, 2012). Social conflict is a macro level analysis examines whole societies, large scale social structures, and social systems. This perspective is derived from the works of Karl Marx, who see society as segments that compete for social and economic resources. Based on conflict theory, society is ruled and control by the power elite and upper class. This elite and upper class not only want to maintain their dominance in society, they even like to increase upon it. Thus, they influence policy makers to form laws and regulations that legitimize their hogging of resources and wealth at the expense of all others. Symbolic Interaction Paradigm The symbolic interaction perspective, also called symbolic interactionism, is a theory that sees society as the results of interactions between individuals (Macionis, 2012). Symbolic Interaction is a micro level analysis, which focus on small and simple groups or community rather than large-scale social structures. According to symbolic interaction theory, all social interaction has a symbolic meaning. Anything that said by any individuals, behaviours of any individual, or what any individual wears has an underlying symbolic meaning to it. This perspective relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the process of social interaction. Symbolic meanings are given importance because it is believe that people behave based on what they believe and not just on what is objectively true. Thus, society is thought to be socially constructed through human interpretation. People interpret one anothers behaviour and it is these interpretations that form the social bond. 2. Case study to explain/ elaborate each of the perspective associated with each school of thoughts. The topic that I use as my case study topic is prostitution. Prostitution is engaging in the sexual activity with another person in exchange for compensation, such as money or other valuable goods. From functionalism perspective, prostitution has still existed widely because it does somehow serve the society. From a functionalist perspective prostitution serves a need in society. If an act is not serving a societal need it wouldnt continue to exist. According to Erich Goode, social customs and institutions that persist over time tend to be those that are good for society because they serve one or more important functions (Goode, 2008). Now in terms of prostitution, it provides sexually repressed men with a sex life or an alternate sex life outside of their marriage. It also allows women to be entrepreneurs and make money independently without having to deal with any sort of start-up costs. Besides, prostitute does have manifest function, and that is a job because a prostitute makes living through the exchange and they can earn quite a number of money in a short period. Its latent function is to provide the sexual outlet for those who are not competitive in the marriage market, such as physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, and the poor. Moreover, in an exchange, the buyers needs are met without any responsibility to the seller. Besides, existence of prostitution can reduce the incidence of rape and sexual harassment. The evaluation of the dysfunction of prostitution is transmission of sexual transmission diseases such as AIDS. For instance, in countries such as Vietnam, prostitution is illegal. This is because prostitution are recognised generally as a risk factor in the transmission of HIV infection and it will particularly affects women and children. Now, lets look at social conflict perspective. From social conflict perspective, peoples race, ethnicity, gender, age, and social class are all linked to the unequal distribution of money. Thats why the majority of prostitutes are young, female, and poor. For example, large amount of low class citizens in country such as Vietnam, Thailand and Philippine are forced to be prostitutes. They do not know what to do, since they dont have any education. Thus, the only way that they can earn money without education is prostitution. Furthermore, pimps and madams also exist because of gender inequality in the sex industry. The pimps and madams take possession over prostitute and exploit the use of their bodies for sexual favours. Thus, when these women earn their money, they are oppressed by their pimps or madams who take a large portion of their earnings. So the economic inequality gap is widened. Hence, they need to perform sex continuously in order to live because of the social inequality. Now, lets look at symbolic interaction perspective. In Malaysia, prostitution is categorized into three forms which are escort, street and brothel prostitution. According to The Star Newspaper (http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/11/9/parliament/12294866sec=parliament), in Malaysia, about 47,000 foreign prostitutes are arrested from 2008 to 2012 for soliciting sex. From symbolic interaction perspective, prostitution in Malaysia symbolizes sexual revolution occurs drastically. Sexual attitudes have become so lenient that women are able capitalize upon mens sexual desires and engage in emotionless sexual activity with multiple partners in order to gain income.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Heat Energy Investigation :: Papers
Heat Energy Investigation In this experiment we will as accurately as possible measure the voltage, current, time, start temperature, final temperature and the mass of 7 different substances. We will measure the voltage to make the experiment more accurate, we will do this by making sure that every time we do an experiment we will keep the volts to 12v and nothing else, as this could affect the overall result. It is also needed as part of an equation that will be done later on. We will measure the time, start temperature and final temperature because we again need it as part of an equation, which will help us to find out how much energy was needed to make the substance rise by 1o. We need to know the mass of the substance to make it a fair test and as part of the equation. We intend to safely heat up seven different substances; these are steel, oil, water, brass, aluminium, sand and copper. They will be heated to a final temperature of 50oc. We will then do some equation to find out how much energy is needed to make each substance go up by 1o. I predict that the oil and water which are both liquids will take more energy to heat up than the solids. Because the bonds in the liquids are free flowing and therefore when the substances are heated there is a smaller knock on effect than in the solid substances. By using class results as well as our own we will be able to get a good set of results and will also be able to find out how accurate our own results were. To make the results as accurate as is possible we will not let the metals get too hot and with the liquids we shall stir it so that there is an even temperature throughout. Once we have our measurements: E.g. Steel Voltage = 12v Current = 3.57A Time = 5m 10 sec (310 sec)
Monday, November 11, 2019
Burger King marketing & Employee Motivation Strategy Essay
INTRODUCTION This research deals that how Burger King (BK) following the procedures to motivate the Employees, how these procedures helps in achieving the objectives of Burger King and influences the objectives. Hamburger is a parent company of Burger King and it is operating worldwide. Headquarter of Burger King is situated in Florida, U.S.A. It was first established as Insta Burger King in 1953. Due to tough external environment of Insta Burger King, it faces financial problems and in 1954 its franchises were sold and its name was changed as Burger King. At the end of 2013 it was reported by Burger King that it has over 13000 franchises operating in 79 countries out of which large amount of franchises operating in United States, almost 66% in United States. Burger King has almost 40 subsidiaries that are operating under the management of different countries, their operations, financial matters and production are controlled by the management of those Countries. (Burger King Corporation, 2013). Franchises of Burger King are mostly privately owned by the businessman and they followed the SOPs given by the Burger King Company (Christina, 2011). A holders of Burger King franchises has to follow the strict obligations and duties given by the Burger King; it includes designs of a company, internal and external appearance, brand standards, quality and serving of food, training programs and employee compensation plans (Jonathan, 2011). Burger King is giving license to the operators and administrators of stores to run the franchises of Burger King in North America (Elizabeth, 2006). Now Burger King is working in many countries. It is using many promotional techniques as well. It has fan page on a social media called Facebook. Moreover it has an account on twitter as well. Burger King has a large variety in its menu including burgers, fries, pan cakes, shakes etc. Burger King says that their employees are the vital part of their organization. Employees are the main assets of a company because they face the customers, deals with them and provide services and products to the customers. To get good results of this employee and customer relationship, Burger King has set rules to give Professional training to the employees so that employees should use their abilities to get the desired goals of Burger King. Not only trainings but Burger King is also investing on career development of employees by giving them a chance to work in different departments and giving a chance to the employees to polish their skills and competencies by attending different seminars. Feedback from employees is very important in bringing the positive changes in the Company, Burger King also follows this rule and they encourage their employees to do open communication with the top management. In this way satisfaction of employees increases and they are free to use any mode of communication, which includes videos calls, meetings, Emails, voice mails etc. Burger King motivates its employees with different rewards to engage them in the progress of the organization. When staff works hard and continuously makes a positive difference to the company. Employee achievement awards given to the employees working with the Burger King more than five years and these awards are given to the employees after every five years and reached up to fifty years. There are other programs and awards as well that are given to the employees at both management and lower level to motivate the employees. RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY The research purpose is to see how motivation of workers is being maintained by the organization. For this purpose Burger King is selected. This research will help in starting new studies in this field so that the new researchers will investigate that how the motivation of employees results in the success of company, company’s growth and progress in future. Organizations have to made good motivational programs for employees to get good performance from them. If employees are motivated then they perform better, they feel satisfied with their job, so they are committed to their organization as well. This research will encourage organizations to motivate their employees and understand the things that motivate them. BUSINESS RESEACH QUESTION â€Å"What are the contributing features, plans and programs of the company that motivate employees? To understand the phenomenon of employee motivation of Burger King, given below questions of research should be kept in mind to make a base of this research. The current benefits that employees are getting? How the motivation of employees is maintained by the organization? What are the organizations current and future strategies to motivate their workers? RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Motivation is the challenging issue to manage and work, because of the individual behavior or attitudes. As every individual is different from each other, their behaviors, attitudes and needs are also different. For every individual the motivating factors could be different according to their circumstances as well as their priorities. Another factor could be that an employee is not fit for the job he is doing or he has no interest in that work. So such resources and encouragement should be provided to him so he can develop interest. This research assignment will results in understanding the motivation of employees given by the Burger King and which leads to overall better and good performance. LITERATURE REVIEW PRELIMINARY Literature review is a process of studying published or unpublished work given in the journals, magazines, newspaper, thesis and online information to get references. These references will help in getting knowledge of the other people’s work and will also help in providing support to our arguments and judgments. In organization’s point of view â€Å"motivation†means the drive force which creates interest in employee to work hard. A motivated employee will have capacity to work hard and give good results. It also determines the employee’s effort and level of persistence (Bernie, 2012). Organizations need motivated employees to work. Motivated employees help organizations in their survival. Motivated employees are more productive as they know when they will be productive they will get reward for it (Bowen & Radhakrishna, 1991). Motivated employees are also quality oriented. They find different good ways to do the job. There are many factors that could help in motivating employees. The first and most important factor is job design. Good job design will surely results in creating the positive motivation of employees. The design of job can have a significance impact on employee motivation. If a job is challenging and different interesting tasks are involved in it then employee could be motivated enough to do it. Job design approaches are four in number: job enlargement, job simplification, job enrichment and job rotation (Bernie, 2012). Standardization and specialization of the work is known as job simplification. Job simplification results in motivating the employees because they have clearly identified tasks. But sometimes Job simplification does not helps in creating motivation for the employees because it may result in boring of employee by doing the same task again and again. A large variety of different tasks to perform by the employees, so that employee can have interest in the job and may result in motivation of employees, this phenomenon is known as Job Enlargement. Job rotation helps to move workers to different tasks and departments after a specific period of time to maintain their interest and motivation to work. Job enrichment aims to enhance the actual job by introducing different motivational factors (Bernie, 2012). Large numbers of studies are conducted to see the impact of job design techniques to motivate employees. Job design questionnaire was used to study the impact of Job design in motivating the employees by Campion and Thayer (1985) and the result of their study has shown that jobs having proper Job design will lead to motivate the employees and employees will have less problem in performing the work needed for a job and less health complaints. Hackman (1980) conducted a study and results shown that redesigning a job will surely leads in providing good productivity, increase the quantity of work and motivation in employees. Job Enlargement or Job Enrichment is the main tool to do this. This is a human nature that he always motivated when he knows that his work is valuable and worthy. Motivation also comes from the sense of acknowledgement and respect. Rewards are another type of motivation. Intrinsic reward and extrinsic reward are main two types of rewards. Rewards that are internal like feeling good about doing something, sense of accomplishment is known as intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards are external like incentives, bonuses, increments etc. (Fair & Silvestri, 1992). When specific goals are set for employees then they also produce good performance and feel motivated as they feel themselves an important asset of organization. Many researchers have worked to investigate the effectiveness of reward on the motivation of employees. Pierce, Cameron, Banko and So (2003) researchers have arranged a research to get the exact idea that how extrinsic rewards given by the company creates an impact on employee’s motivation. They found that people who got rewards for their performance were motivated intrinsically and those who do not get rewards were not motivated at all. Another study on the same topic was conducted by Wiersma (1992). He found that extrinsic rewards are important and they increase motivation. Dobre (2013) argued that empowerment and recognition are the factors that increase motivation of employee. Employees are motivated on getting empowerment and appreciation which results in good performance of employees. Organizations should try to give empowerment and appreciation to the employees so that they can perform well. Bartol and Martin (1998) studied that motivation is a powerful tool to get good performance from the employees. Kalimullah (2010) argued that a motivated employee puts his efforts for the progress of organization. Sara et al. (2004) suggested that good salaries are the most important factor in motivating employees. Employees are also motivated through good leadership (Baldoni, 2005). Working environment is also another important factor for employee motivation. If organization provides a good working environment to their employees then the employees feel motivated and happy to work in that organization. Many Psychological theories also talks about motivation. Most important theory is Maslow’s need based theory (1954) that suggests that there are different levels of needs and on each level when need is fulfilled the person is motivated. The levels in the hierarchy of Maslow are physiological needs, safety needs, belongings needs, self-esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Alderfer (1972) suggested that there are three need levels, existence, relatedness and growth. He said that fulfillment of these needs makes a person motivated. Herzberg (2003) further worked on Maslow’s theory and modified it by saying that there are two areas of need that motivates employees. Hygiene and motivators are two need areas. Hygiene’s are considered as motivators of low level which includes policy of a company, compensation plan, working environment and employee-employer relationship. The motivation has a high level in factors. These factors include achievement, responsibility, growth and advancement. If managers want to be effective and need progress in organization, then the manager should know the basics of motivation and the different ways to motivate the employees. With the help of these they can be able to make different motivational strategies to keep their employees engaged in work and motivate them to work even better. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research methodology is process or way through which a research is being conducted. There are different types of methods for research. The method is being selected by the researcher according to the topic and feasibility to collect data as well. Success of a research is directly proportional to the methodology selected to conduct a research. Types of methodologies are given below: QUANTITATIVE METHOD It mainly deals with the numerical data or empirical investigation by using statistical or mathematical tools of research. Main objective of quantitative method is to use mathematical models to get results. It is a large and random selected process. Collection of data can be done with the help of questionnaires, telephone conversation, mail, interview, experiment, and surveys. QUALITATIVE METHOD Qualitative research is about the strong knowing of a specific company or occasion, rather than surface information of a population having a large sample. It further helps in getting information related to human groups in natural or social environment. Collection of data is totally different in qualitative method, because in qualitative method data is more subjective than quantitative and human behaviors are kept in consideration while collecting the data. Every emotions and behaviors of human should be recorded so that researcher may get the exact answer of respondent. Techniques mostly used in collecting the data are interviews, focus group, case studies, individual interview, objects and images. MIXED METHOD OR COMBINED METHOD It is a mixture of both quantitative and qualitative methods. It is the best approach in investigating the critical issues because researchers can apply both methods to get better results. Mixed method provides analysis of how the organizations maintain the motivation of their employees. For this purpose Burger King Company is being selected. Implementing or providing motivation to the employees is not an easy work, in the same way to do research on it a large amount of information is required. RESEARCH TECHNIQUES Research technique is known as a guideline to complete the research. Research technique has several steps and they are given below: Research design and method. Sampling. Data collection. Data analysis. Outcome of research. In mixed method researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative method for getting more accurate result. The process of research will go through the given steps. Researcher will require the consent of the concerned authority as well as of participants that they are willing to participate in the research. SAMPLING Sampling is the process in which researcher finalize which will be the sample of the research, or who will be the participants. Sampling is process or technique of suitable sample or information collection for research work. There are a lot of types of sampling like simple random selection, snowball sampling, convenient sampling, systematic sampling, quota sampling etc. In the present study simple random sampling technique is being used as it is the best way of sampling in which every individual has an equal chance of selection. With the help of it we can get data full of reliability but it needs more money to carry out the process. DATA COLLECTION Data collection is the process in which information is being collected from the sample. The Process of data collection starts when you decide your sample. It mainly deals with the preparation and collection of data from different pool of knowledge and sources. It is the major element for research work. Data should be collected from reliable sources and from those people who are willing to give information. Those who are not willing to provide information and forcefully do it then the data could be faked. Mainly there are two types of data: Primary data and Secondary data. PRIMARY DATA: It is a collection of data directly from the people in the field and known as first hand data. This data is always fresh and reliable as well as it provides an accurate information needed to collect from the sample. This type of data collection needs a large amount of investment and time, researcher may use both methods to collect the data including qualitative and quantitative. SECONDARY DATA: It is a collection of data from books, journals, newspaper, annual reports, and internet or through some other sources etc. and it is not first hand data. It can be archival data that is already present and you are using that. This type of data collection is less expensive and less time consuming but mostly it does not gives accurate information needed for the research. In this research, primary data will be collected which will comprise of both qualitative and quantitative technique. EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT After completing and observing data collection, a request letters for specialist to authenticate the devices are sent to them. Results were cross checked by researcher. In analyzing the test consequences the researcher sought the help of a statistics person to check that data is properly calculated and evaluated or not. DATA ANALYSIS DATA ANALYSIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL PROCESS OF RESEARCH, BECAUSE IT CONSISTS OF WHOLE PROCESS OF CHECKING, CLEANING THE DATA AND ANALYSING THE DATA. DATA SHOULD BE ANALYSED PROPERLY, IF THE DATA LACK OF THIS PROPERLY ANALYSED PROCESS THEN IT WILL AFFECT THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH AND THE OBJECTIVE OF RESEARCH WILL NOT BE OBTAINED. SOME OF THE DATA ANALYSING TECHNIQUES ARE: FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION, DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS, COMPARING MEANS, CORRELATIONS AND LINEAR REGRESSIONS. To get the best result of this research both Statistical and qualitative techniques will be used. To test the null theory of the research statistical technique will be used and the standard deviation, mean will be used where needed. BARRIERS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH This research deals with the employee’s motivation and employees should perform for the betterment of an organization. This research is a mixture of many different aspects and subjects which are Psychology, human nature and Sociology. So it is necessary that the correlation between all these aspects and subjects should be aligned to each other and should be according to rightful definition. It may cause some barriers due to tough routine of employees, problems in timings and other external factors. They all should be remove with the help of experts and thesis should be defended with the help of good and reliable sources. SUGGESTED FURTHER RESEARCH ACTIVITY Further studies can be carried out to find out the Impact of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards on motivation. Furthermore the relationship between performance of job and organizational commitment by conducting interviews of management level as well as official level.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Enders Shadow essays
Ender's Shadow essays Throughout the novel, Bean has demonstrated his defiance to lose heart over Poke, the first person to die that he had formed his first social bond. In the streets of Rotterdam Bean fought to stay alive. He eventually relied on Poke the captain of her crew. Even though Bean faced hard times surviving his life up to the point where he meets Poke he does not give up. His philosophy to not hold grudges allows him to easily pass through hard times of his life. Bean and Poke meet and decide upon a plan to protect Pokes crew. This plan eventually fails and winds up having Achillies, a bully, taking over Pokes crew and turning the crew into his family, and Achillies himself, the papa. Achillies eventually visously murders Poke at a fishing dock. Bean witness Achillies actions but can not think of a way to avoid her death. Bean feels guilty but he refuses to hold a grudge against Achillies and wait for revenge. In Battle School Bean path once again falls upon Achillies. Bean suspecting his serial murders lures him into a trap and makes him confess his murders. Unlike Ender who decided to permantly end his problem, Bean the hoodlem from the streets of Rotterdam hands Achillies over to the authorities. Atticus is a man whom greatly values moral actions and like Bean does not lose hope during gloomy times. When he is asked to defend a black man in a small racist town in Alabama, he excepts because as a lawyer he feels that it is his duty for justice. He contains a moral fiber inside of him to defend Tom Robinson. In this racist town, Atticus and his family are looked down upon. Scout brings home news of the kids and school calling him a Negro lover as well as many other racist comments. Atticus is able to survive the hardships of defending Tom Robinson because he believes that increasing the court supplying justice to the Town will decrease the racisism within the town. He believes that ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
WHEN DIPLOMACY IS NOT ENOUGH essays Mediation is a dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party assists the participants to reach a voluntary and informed settlement. Mediation and diplomacy have both been used more and more frequently after the Second World War in order to prevent such a tragedy from reoccurring. Diplomacy can be used in several ways, but not all are considered orthodox although they can contribute to peaceful resolutions of problems. Certain countries like the United States are extremely advanced in almost all areas of technology, industry, militia and economy, therefore controlling the upper hand in most situations. The U.S. has a tendency to help other nations only if it will benefit from the outcome. The United States often contributes to the resolving of a conflict by sending spokespersons to represent the interests of their country, which usually signifies large profits and also by sending troops to ensure that no aggression is taken during the peace talks. Other countries suc h as Canada have specialized peacekeeping troops to aid the citizens of a discontent region repair damage that might have been caused or more often prevent any aggression that might occur before a settlement is reached. In history, it has been observed that Canada does not have as much of a hunger for profit in aiding other countries as the United States, which is apparent in Canadas reputation. This Alternative Dispute Resolution has provided an option for many countries to deal with international conflicts and disputes rather than immediately resorting to violence. Nevertheless, there are always exceptions to the rule and not all problems can be resolved peacefully and without bloodshed. These exceptions must be recognized early enough so that the proper measures can be taken to immediately settle the conflict. However, not all attempts at resolving problems using diplomacy are successful and military intervention is required. These situati ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Wjhat is the nature of science in Social Science Essay
Wjhat is the nature of science in Social Science - Essay Example There are many different types of social scientists, one of which includes the positivist social scientists, who use methods similar to those of natural science, for the means of understanding society and tend to practice a stricter discipline in study. Those who practice interpretivist social science, by contrast, may use symbolic interpretation or social critique, as opposed to their trying to construct empirically falsifiable theories. The social science model of inquiry process is conducted in a number of stages that are found to be similar to those used in natural sciences, these are the identification of a problem or the formulation of a research question, the development of a relevant hypothesis, the gathering of data, the analysis of the collected data and the drawing of conclusions based on this data. Following the age of enlightenment, in which many revolutions in philosophy and science occurred around the year 1650, scientists began to understand how little they truly knew about the natural world and humanitys place within it. Great philosophers such as Rousseau and Diderot began laying down the groundwork for modern social science practice in the 18th century, which was codified by works such as those put forth by Auguste Comte and Charles Fourier. It was Comte who first coined the phrase "science sociale" to describe the study and practice of the field taking root. It is therefore noteworthy to investigate the theories of the philosophers in exploring the science in social science. Social scientists often make use of an eclectic or multiple methodologies, such as the combining of quantitative and qualitative techniques, although the term social research also can encompass a wide umbrella of techniques in and of itself (Kuper and Kuper, 1996). Parsons (1938) affirms that no science develops in a vacuum either socially or intellectually. The scientific content of any
Saturday, November 2, 2019
MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY - Essay Example the organizations to achieve this goal there is need for the managers to break down bureaucratic structures to allow close interaction between workers and managers at various levels, recognize the potential of employees, capitalize organizational teams and organization of projects. Management can be viewed as a form of idea and a structure of values based on the perception that it can secure a limitless growth of expansion in the creation and exchange of human significance across the globe (Smith) Customers want their orders processed as fast as possible and with greater efficiency. This requires organizations to be fully prepared to respond to emergency requests of the customers while maintain continuous improvement of products and services they deliver to the customers. It is apparent that organizations must make a profit in order to survive in the market. The efficiency of management is achieved at four levels namely; natural, social, individual and ethical level (Alain, 2006). The management should have a limitless predisposition towards a systematic in addition to the occasional regulation of nature and boundless accumulation and capitalisation of knowledge for governing nature. Managers require skills to address issues at all levels from individual, social, organizational and global levels by establishing a clear link of how various things interact at all levels across the globe. The new management style involves focusing on short-term financial performance. Just as aforementioned, organizations must make a profit on a daily basis in order for them to survive. Investors use returns of their investments as a yardstick to measure the efficiency of management (Alain, 2006). This puts managers under intense pressure to put in place concrete measures to achieve short-term finance performance. There is an increasing urgency in production and consumption of products and services mainly as a result of increasing use of information technology. These aspects have
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